Audrey Hepburn behind the scenes of "Sabrina"

Audrey Hepburn: The poster image of the exhibition available at ddp

The actress Audrey Hepburn was one of the icons of the 20th century. Once world-famous through films like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “A Heart and a Crown” or “Sabrina” she is still unsurpassed and one of the greatest film stars of her time. The exhibition “Intimate Audrey”, lovingly put together by her son Sean Hepburn Ferrer, offers unseen insights into her private life. More than 800 intimate photographs and family objects allow visitors to experience the story of her life up close, from her childhood in Belgium, through her early ballet career in London, to the highlights of her most famous film roles, and take them on an impressive journey through the life and career of the star with the most beautiful doe eyes in film history.

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