News UK Portfolio jetzt bei ddp images

News UK portfolio now at ddp images

Picture users in Germany will now find the Content from The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun und The Sun on Sunday only at ddp images.

With this new content, the ddp group offers a very detailed View of our neighbors in the United Kingdom, amongst that of the Royal house, where at least one wedding and a birth have been announced.

Robin Ashton Head of Licensing at News UK said “We’re We’re delighted to drive the reach of News UK’s award-winning content with our new partners. ddp Group has the resource and experience to effectively represent the diverse range of material our titles generate.“

Katharina Doerk of the ddp Group: „With News Licensing, ddp has gained another strong partner, enabling us to offer very special and exclusive content to our customers. The excellent production from the UK will very quickly find many fans among our clients.“

The visual content of the News UK titles is available at ddp images now.

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