The picture agency group ddp, which belongs to action press AG, is now offering its pictures worldwide on Reuters Connect. The platform operated by the British-Canadian news agency Reuters is one of the largest marketplaces for multimedia content. There, media and non-media customers from all parts of the world can license digital assets from Reuters as well as more than ninety other content partners, now including ddp.
On Reuters Connect, ddp offers a selection of its picture coverage from German-speaking countries as well as other international highlights, including news, sports, celebrities, entertainment as well as reports and feature images. The offer also includes pictures from the Swedish picture agency Stella Pictures, which has been a 100 percent member of the ddp group since June 2022.
The start of the cooperation with Reuters Connect comes just in time for the beginning of the first state visit to Germany by the British King Charles. all important stages of the historic journey now from ddp via Reuters Connect.