Effective 1 July 2019, the ddp group took over the licensing business of Food Centrale, one of the most renowned producers of high-quality photo and video content on the topics of cooking, eating and enjoyment. The pictures and recipes can now be found in the Places of the ddp group. The ddp group is thus further expanding its position in food photography.
ddp Managing Director Katharina Doerk: „The exclusive contents of the Food Centrale complement the ddp group’s range of first-class food content in an outstanding way. As food specialists, we can now offer our customers from marketing, advertising, online media, nutrition guides or calendar and book publishers an even larger portfolio.”
With its well-established recipe service, Food Centrale Licensing also offers complete stories: special recipes from outstanding chefs – photographed with great attention to detail.
Food Centrale Agency Managing Director Helen Hagge: „In its long history with its passion for good food and great photos, Food Centrale has developed into a constant in the industry. We are delighted that this wonderful material has now found a new home in the ddp Group. We have thus created the opportunity to concentrate entirely on our agency work: The Food Centrale continues to produce the perfect food-related content, from photo and video production to event planning and brand consulting. We are convinced that first-class food deserves first-class staging“.
The professionally curated material can now be found at www.foodcentrale.com and also in the my-picturemaxx Places „360° CREATIVE“ and „Picture Press“.